Mac OS X X11 Behaviour and DarwinPorts

Merton Campbell Crockett m.c.crockett at
Wed Oct 25 07:06:28 PDT 2006

I seem to have done something wrong or have misunderstood how to  
configure Mac OS X 10.4.8 to use DarwinPorts.

Although ~/.profile exists and .../xinit/xinitrc includes "source ~./ 
profile", only the first xterm window opened will have "/opt/local/ 
bin:/opt/local/sbin:" set in its environment.  When I open subsequent  
xterm windows, I need to explicitly enter the command  
"source .profile" to include the path to the DarwinPorts X11  

On my original PowerBook G4, I had set my default shell to tcsh.  I  
failed to do this when I acquired my PowerMac G5.  The default shell  
is bash.  Do I need to change my default shell?

Merton Campbell Crockett
m.c.crockett at

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