Inkscape 0.44-1

McGarry Vince vmcgarry at
Fri Sep 15 09:03:11 PDT 2006

On Sep 14, 2006, at 8:51 AM, Yves de Champlain wrote:

> Le 06-09-14 à 00:26, McGarry Vince a écrit :
>> Since I've changed to gtk28, Inkscape no longer works. I  
>> uninstalled, cleaned, then reinstalled without difficulty, but  
>> still no go. I noticed on the Inkscape site that there is an  
>> upgrade from the version on MacPorts, 0.44, to 0.44-1. I don't  
>> know whether this will make a difference.
>> I'm running a MacBook PPC and have been experimenting with Gnome  
>> under X-11.
> I have inkscape-0.44 installed and running on PPC with gtk2  
> (2.8.19).  I don't know about a gtk28 port though.  the 0.44-1  
> version from inkscape is a packaging revision (maybe to incude  
> universl binaries), not a source upgrade.  "MacBook PPC" is a  
> little ambiguous ... do you mean MacBook or PPC ?
> yves

The problem seems to be a call to a different version of a library  
and I am naive about what to do. From my crash log:


Command: inkscape
Path:    /opt/local/bin/inkscape
Parent:  launchd [1]

Version: ??? (???)

PID:    339
Thread: Unknown

Link (dyld) error:

Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libgnutls.12.dylib
   Referenced from: /opt/local/lib/libloudmouth-1.0.dylib
   Reason: image not found


It appears that gtk 2.8.20 uses a different set of gnutls which makes  
libgnutls.13.dylib available, not libgnutls.12.dylib. What is  
installed is loudmouth 1.0.1 and the current stable release is 1.0.5.  
I have no idea whether this makes any difference.


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