port upgrade outdated

jeanpierre at gmail.com jeanpierre at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 14:41:05 PDT 2006

On 9/21/06, James Berry <jberry at macports.org> wrote:
> On Sep 21, 2006, at 11:49 AM, Michael Stevens wrote:
> > James Berry wrote:
> >> Michael,
> >> This is an unfortunately accident, which I believe means you don't
> >> have any outdated ports.
> >> What does "port outdated" show?
> >
> > So it looks like, yes, all my ports are up to date.
> >
> > I'm, umm, not convinced the message I got is a good way to indicate
> > that, though.
> Yes, you're absolutely right. It's a bug that it's confusing.
> I'll try to fix it before too long. If you could file a bug against
> it, that would be great. I think the easiest fix is to improve the
> wording of the error message to be more clear about what happened:
> basically, when the pseudo-port "outdated" expands to no ports, then
> the upgrade action (and many others) tries to use the port in the
> current directory.  Since there is no port in the current directory,
> it gives the error about no ports.
> As a more complex fix, we should somehow know the difference between
> no expression, and the case where we have an expression that
> evaluates to nothing: this would be the really right thing, but might
> be more difficult.

was michael referring to the misleading output from 'port outdated'?

i filed the following and attached a diff to resolve in early may:

RFE: 'port oudated' should provide different output when no outdated ports

it was demoted from 'bug' to 'enhancement' yesterday...


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