py-psycopg mix up with python version and postgresql82 -- will this
screw up trac?
Tabitha McNerney
tabithamc at
Tue Apr 10 06:57:15 PDT 2007
After a recent ports update (MacPorts 1.4.0 from the repo a few days ago), I
noticed an interesting quirk.
The current port for py-psycopg (version 1.1.21) requires libraries from
python 2.4 (port python24) and PostgreSQL 8.2.3 (port postgresql82):
$ port deps py-psycopg
> py-psycopg has library dependencies on:
> postgresql82
> py-mx
> python24
> openssl
Yet, if you want to install postgres82 with the python variant, the Portfile
for postgresql82 wants Python 2.5:
variant python {
> depends_lib-append port:python25
> configure.args-append --with-python
> configure.env-append PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
> }
What should one do? Is it ok for python24 and python25 to co-exist and both
be active at the same time? I presume that if I install python24 in sequence
before python25, then after installing python25 I can then install
postgresql82 with the python variant and then go ahead and install
py-psycopg to let it build against its desired libraries from both python24
and postgresql82? Hopefully this won't lead to problems because I want to
later install the trac port with the postgres variant and trac can be set up
to use py-psycopg
Has anyone tried this out yet?
Best regards,
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