How to use php5 port with MySQL5 binary?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Apr 14 14:29:09 PDT 2007

On Apr 14, 2007, at 12:16, Karl Timmermann wrote:

> Does anyone know how to modify the php5 port file to let it work  
> with a binary install of MySQL5 that I installed using the  
> installer found on I think only part of the port file  
> has to be changed:
> variant mysql5 conflicts mysql3 mysql4 {
> 	depends_lib-append \
> 		port:mysql5
> 	configure.args-delete \
> 		--without-mysql
> 	configure.args-append \
> 		--with-mysql=${workpath}/mysql5 \
> 		--with-pdo-mysql=${prefix}/bin/mysql_config5 \
> 		--with-mysql-sock=${prefix}/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock \
> 		--with-mysqli=${prefix}/bin/mysql_config5
> 	post-extract {
> 		file mkdir "${workpath}/mysql5"
> 		file link -symbolic "${workpath}/mysql5/lib" "${prefix}/lib/mysql5"
> 		file link -symbolic "${workpath}/mysql5/include" "${prefix}/ 
> include/mysql5"
> 	}	
> }
> The mysql5 directory that the installer uses is: /usr/local/ 
> mysql-5.0.37-osx10.4-i686/ and it contains the bin, lib, include,  
> data, etc folders. The sock file is at /tmp/mysqld.sock.
> I would appreciate any help in changing the above to work with my  
> MySQL5 install.

First I will tell you how to do it. Then I will tell you why you  
should not do it. :-)

I believe the installers put a symlink at /usr/local/mysql  
which points to the current version. So I'll use that instead of  
specifying the complete directory name.

So. To use the packages, change the mysql5 variant to read:

variant mysql5 conflicts mysql3 mysql4 {
	configure.args-delete \
	configure.args-append \
		--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \
		--with-pdo-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config \
		--with-mysql-sock=/tmp/mysqld.sock \

Note that this is just off the top of my head; I haven't tested it.

The reason you should not do this, or at least the reason why I do  
not presently include a variant like this in the php5 portfile, is  
that it is MacPorts policy to use its own versions of software unless  
there is a compelling reason not to. What is your reason for not  
using the MacPorts version of mysql5?

This MacPorts policy is documented here along with some reasons why  
it is in place: 

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