Launching mysql5
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at
Thu Apr 26 01:59:56 PDT 2007
On Apr 25, 2007, at 18:47, Thoraval Yvon wrote:
> if i launch mysql5 that way :
> $ sudo /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysqld_safe &
You don't say what OS you're using, but if you're using Mac OS X 10.4
or later, the recommended way to start mysqld now, and at every
system startup from now on, is:
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mysql5.plist
The recommended way to stop mysqld now, and prevent it from starting
up automatically, is:
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/
If you're using Mac OS X 10.3 or earlier, then a startup item is
provided for you.
All of the above assumes you have installed the mysql5 port with the
+server variant. If you did not do that, you should uninstall mysql5
and reinstall it with that variant.
> i get :
> [1] 26609
> ~%> Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /opt/local/var/db/
> mysql5
> STOPPING server from pid file /opt/local/var/db/mysql5/www.une-
> 070425 22:57:29 mysqld ended
> -----------------************
> [1] + done sudo /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysqld_safe
> then the daemon is launched and ends afterwards.
Have you checked the logfile to see what the problem is? The MySQL
logs are usually pretty helpful. I believe they are stored by default
in the same directory as the PID file, /opt/local/var/db/mysql5.
> the file perms are :
> ~/Sites%> ls -al /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin
> <snip />
> -rwxr-xr-x 2 root admin 1226368 Apr 23 20:33 my_print_defaults
> is root:admin correct
> or does i have to create a group:owner mysql:mysql and change it
> accordingly ???
These are just the binaries. root:admin is perfectly normal and fine
for these files.
The directory /opt/local/var/db/mysql5 and its contents, however,
should be owned by mysql:mysql. You do not need to create this user/
group; Mac OS X already ships with these users. As far as I remember,
the directory is also already set to that user/group, but you could
double-check it if you like.
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