A patch for installing php5 -macosx +apache

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Apr 28 11:56:13 PDT 2007

On Apr 28, 2007, at 13:38, js wrote:

> Here's a patch I created to install php5 -macosx +apache.
> (PHP5 module for MacPorts' Apache1)
> --- php5.orig   2007-04-29 02:57:12.000000000 +0900
> +++ php5.new    2007-04-29 03:18:41.000000000 +0900
> @@ -138,6 +138,10 @@
> variant apache conflicts apache2 fastcgi {
>        if { ! [variant_isset macosx] } {
>                depends_lib-append \
> +                       port:kerberos5
> +               configure.args-append \
> +                       --with-kerberos=${prefix}
> +               depends_lib-append \
>                        path:${prefix}/sbin/apxs:apache
>                configure.args-append \
>                        --with-apxs=${prefix}/sbin/apxs
> The reason I added kerberos5 to the depends_lib is
> that c-client, another depends_lib of php5, seems to require Kerberos.
> (Look at http://jp.php.net/imap for further info)
> Probably I don't need c-client, or should I say I know next to nothing
> about c-client
> So this patch is not a good way of solving this.
> Any comments, suggestions would greatly appriciated.

I am the maintainer of php5.

What prompted you to make these changes to the portfile? Did you  
encounter error messages? What were they, and what were you doing  
when they occurred?

The documentation on the php web site to which you refer says "To  
build the c-client library with SSL or/and Kerberos support read the  
docs supplied with the package" and "Depending how the c-client was  
configured, you might also need to add --with-imap-ssl=/path/to/ 
openssl/ and/or --with-kerberos=/path/to/kerberos into the PHP  
configure line."

I see that the cclient port does depend on kerberos5, if  
libgssapi_krb5 does not already exist. On my 10.4.9 system,  
libgssapi_krb5 already exists in /usr/lib so that gets used. Should  
cclient always depend on the kerberos5 port instead, or is there a  
compelling reason to use the Mac OS X-provided version? (Paul?)

I don't use c-client or kerberos5 nor really even know what they do.  
Um... I see that c-client is for accessing mailboxes. I don't do that  
in my php code. Since I prefer not to have lots of ports installed  
whose features I don't need, I'm inclined to make a cclient variant  
of php5. Anyone opposed?

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