Problem installing readline

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Aug 15 05:29:33 PDT 2007

On Aug 15, 2007, at 06:41, Thomas Schober wrote:

> 2007/8/15, Ryan Schmidt:
>> On Aug 15, 2007, at 04:14, Thomas Schober wrote:
>>> 2007/8/15, Ryan Schmidt:
>>>> On Aug 14, 2007, at 10:59, Thomas Schober wrote:
>>>>> 2007/8/14, Thomas Schober:
>>>>>> 2007/8/14, Ryan Schmidt:
>>>>>>> On Aug 14, 2007, at 02:57, Thomas Schober wrote:
>>>>>>>> No i am trying to install subversion and readline is a  
>>>>>>>> dependency
>>>>>>>> of it. I don't know if i need 5.2, the only thig i did is :
>>>>>>>> sudo port install readline
>>>>>>>> I don't really care which version of readline i get. But  
>>>>>>>> thats all
>>>>>>>> automatic by MacPorts.
>>>>>>> Ah yes, subversion depends on apr-util, which depends on  
>>>>>>> sqlite3,
>>>>>>> which depends on readline. It does not depend on readline-5, and
>>>>>>> readline-5 would not satisfy the readline dependency. So  
>>>>>>> we're back
>>>>>>> to my previous suggestions regarding potential changes to the
>>>>>>> readline port you could try:
>>>>>>> August/
>>>>>>> 005009.html
>>>>>> The Problem is, that this line :
>>>>>>  delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/dir
>>>>>> is not in the portfile. there is a generall line inside, which
>>>>>> goes over all
>>>>>> /share/info/*.
>>>>>> I tried to delete this line, but the same problem as before.
>>>> Either you are looking at the wrong portfile, or your portfiles are
>>>> months out of date. The relevant line has been that way since
>>>> February 2007, as per this changeset:
>>>> This is the file we're talking about:
>>>> devel/readline/Portfile?rev=26187
>>>> It is located at the path devel/readline/Portfile within your ports
>>>> tree.
>>>> Line 41.
>>>> What is the first line of your readline portfile -- what is the
>>>> output of this command?
>>>> port file readline | xargs head -n 1
>>>> On my system, it is as follows:
>>>> # $Id: Portfile 26187 2007-06-15 10:36:51Z  
>>>> ryandesign at $
>>>> And this is what you should see, too, if your ports tree is up to
>>>> date.
>>>>> ok, i fixed the problem:
>>>>> i just created
>>>>> /opt/local/var/macports/build/
>>>>> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_d 
>>>>> ev
>>>>> el
>>>>> _readline/work/destroot/opt/local/share/info/dir
>>>>> this directory was missing
>>>> It sounds like you worked around the problem, rather than fixing  
>>>> it.
>>>> You may have succeeded in installing the port today, but if you  
>>>> ever
>>>> need to reinstall it, I see no reason why the same problem would  
>>>> not
>>>> occur again. It would be beneficial to discover why the problem
>>>> occurred in the first place. Maybe a change needs to be made to the
>>>> portfile. We won't know until someone who's experiencing the  
>>>> problem
>>>> (you) tries out the changes suggested above to see if they help or
>>>> not.
>>>> Another possibility would be to explicitly write the code so  
>>>> that the
>>>> file is only deleted if it exists, similar to this:
>>> I already tried this solution, but the line :
>>>>>  delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/dir
>>> is not in the portfile.
>> Then you are not looking at the same portfile I'm looking at, because
>> that line is present in the readline portfile I have. I copied the
>> line directly from there.
>>> There is a loop, which deletes a bunch of
>>> files and directories. They seem to be created dynamically. So  
>>> when i
>>> remove the line, nothing is deleted anymore.
>>> It seems that you have to insert a delete command, which ignores
>>> errors.
>> Perhaps you could attach the complete file you're looking at. Maybe
>> that would help us converge on a solution.
> I attached te file already in a mail before in this conversation. Here
> it is again :
> PortSystem 1.0
> name            readline-5
> set shortname   readline
> version         5.0.005


No, that's the readline-5 port, not the readline port.

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