wireshark network interfaces

Lorenz Schori lorenz.schori at gmx.ch
Sun Aug 26 09:40:33 PDT 2007

On 26.08.2007, at 18:34, Takashi Yoshida wrote:
> Sorry to hijack the thread here, but does wireshark work on Intel  
> machines?
> When I begin capturing on the Airport Extreme interface (802.11n),  
> the current wireless network connection gets dropped.
> I can sometimes rejoin the wireless network while the capturing  
> process is on. But other times, I cannot.
> I still need to spend some time on what's going on, but I'd like  
> see how other MacIntel users are doing with the latest wireshark.

Same thing here. I work around this by capturing with tcpdump into a  
file "tcpdump -s0 -i en1 -w bla.cap" and then analyzing the stuff in  
wireshark. You may write into a named pipe using tcpdump and read  
from it with wireshark if you need live data.


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