"no such file or directory" with updated postgis staging into destroot

Jeff Stubbs jeff at cjstubbs.org
Wed Aug 29 13:02:24 PDT 2007

Thanks Daniel, that did the trick.

On Aug 29, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> Assuming that your postgis portfile is very similar to the one in  
> macports,

Exact copy, except for checksum, svn data in the $ID$ field.

> the problem is caused by:
> post-destroot {
>         file rename ${destroot}/etc/default/postgis \
>                 ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/postgis.default
> }
> It looks like the version of postgis you are attempting to update  
> the portfile for doesn't have that particular file (or it's  
> installed in a different location).

Just deleted the above, and everything built fine.

There's no maintainer for postgis, so I'll ask, should these be  
listed as dependencies of the port?

Warning: Target configure has an undeclared dependency on libiconv
Warning: Target build has an undeclared dependency on openssl
Warning: Target build has an undeclared dependency on perl5.8
Warning: Target build has an undeclared dependency on zlib

Is the below a problem?

DEBUG: Target configure has no traceable dependency on proj
It's listed in the "configure.args" for the portfile, what triggered  
the warning?

Sorry for the stupid questions, just curious?



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