MacPorts 1.5.2 now available
Vincent Lefevre
vincent-opdarw at
Fri Aug 31 01:36:14 PDT 2007
On 2007-08-29 20:28:30 -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> But we always want users to compile MacPorts base using the gcc
> provided with Apple Xcode. We don't want people attempting to use
> any other version of gcc.
Does MacPorts ensures that Xcode gcc is used?
>> Couldn't MacPorts be made compatible with the GNU readline API?
> I thought it already was. I think the problem is not that MacPorts is not
> compatible with GNU readline, but that users sometimes have incredibly old
> versions of readline in /usr/local which are (apparently) insufficient for
> MacPorts. We don't want to link against incredibly old (or even up-to-date)
> versions of software the user has installed themselves.
Then that's a user-side problem. The best fix is to remove/replace this
incredibly old version of readline.
> We want to use software managed by MacPorts where at all possible.
> ANnd for the bootstrapping process of of initially getting MacPorts
> installed, it's reasonable to use just Apple software.
But Apple software has bugs. For instance, its readline doesn't support
UTF-8. I don't know if it can be useful, but anyway the user could type
non-ASCII characters by mistake, try to remove them, leading to wrong
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)
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