Leopard broke my mysql server

Andre-John Mas ajmas at sympatico.ca
Sun Dec 23 19:24:02 PST 2007

On 23-Dec-07, at 20:18 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Dec 23, 2007, at 19:16, Andre-John Mas wrote:
>> I am using the mysql5 ports install as provided by macports. Since  
>> having installed it I have now upgraded to Leopard. MacOS X 10.5  
>> changes any daemon users to start with an underscore, such as  
>> '_mysql' and this seems to be causing issues with the sql server,  
>> giving me the following error in the system.log:
>> Dec 23 20:13:07 Ghostwalker com.mysql.mysql[2608]: 071223 20:13:07   
>> mysqld ended
>> Dec 23 20:13:07 Ghostwalker com.apple.launchd[267]  
>> (com.mysql.mysql): Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
>> Dec 23 20:13:15 Ghostwalker com.mysql.mysql[2651]: Starting mysqld  
>> daemon with databases from /opt/local/var/db/mysql5
>> Dec 23 20:13:15 Ghostwalker com.mysql.mysql[2651]: rm: /opt/local/ 
>> var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock: Permission denied
>> Dec 23 20:13:18 Ghostwalker com.mysql.mysql[2651]: STOPPING server  
>> from pid file /opt/local/var/db/mysql5/Ghostwalker.local.pid
>> What do I need to do to fix this? If the new nomenclature is to  
>> have daemon users starting with underscores, then I don't wish to  
>> go and change that, so there is probably something else I could be  
>> changing. Note that I have changed the launchdaemon file
>> 'com.mysql.mysql' to read:
>> /opt/local/bin/mysqld_safe5 --user=_mysql
>> but even after a restart this does not seem to have changed  
>> anything, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Sounds like you should file a ticket in the issue tracker and assign  
> it to me, since I am the maintainer of the mysql5 port. Not that I  
> know what I'm going to do about it yet, but that'll ensure the  
> problem is not forgotten about.



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