why do I have to install xfree86 ?

Alan Medlar amedlar at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 13:12:33 PST 2007

Where do I set ports library search path? I could not see anything in
ports.conf nor in the man page for such.

It there any reason why this was not set by default, as you have to
install these things to get darwinports to compile.


On 01/02/07, Kevin Ballard <eridius at macports.org> wrote:
> Isn't /usr/X11R6/lib in port's library search path? That means the gtk2
> dependency on XFree86 should be resolved from Apple's X11 (because the
> dependency is a library dependency on libX11.6, which Apple's X11 provides).
> Incidentally, I just checked and I have gtk2 installed, but not XFree86.
> On Feb 1, 2007, at 8:42 AM, Alan Medlar wrote:
> Why is it that the deps for gtk2 include XFree86? I have installed
> X11.app and X11SDK from the latest release of xcode from the Apple
> website.
> Is there a way that I can get it to use Apple's X11?
> -ajm
> ps: running 10.4.8, intel, x11 1.1.3, xcode 2.4.1 and darwinports 1.3.2
> --
> Kevin Ballard
> http://kevin.sb.org
> eridius at macports.org
> http://www.tildesoft.com

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