Fwd: Interactive applications to be installed to /Applications/MacPorts?

Bob Nielsen nielsen at oz.net
Tue Feb 13 14:56:41 PST 2007

Oops, I meant to send this to the list--sorry

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bob Nielsen <nielsen at oz.net>
> Date: February 13, 2007 2:55:12 PM PST
> To: Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org>
> Subject: Re: Interactive applications to be installed to / 
> Applications/MacPorts?
> On Feb 13, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Feb 13, 2007, at 09:10, Christian Voelker wrote:
>>>> I found installed interactive Applications installed in different
>>>> subdirectories of my /Applications folder, either MacPorts or
>>>> DarwinPorts. I show AbiWord and python24 as examples here.
>>>> I think, the name DarwinPorts is to be phased out, is it right?
>> I was under the impression that all occurrences of /Applications/ 
>> DarwinPorts were meant to have been replaced with /Applications/ 
>> MacPorts. There was a message on this list some months (?) ago  
>> that someone was going to do that. But I'm having trouble locating  
>> the exact message now. Perhaps the person who was going to do that  
>> could comment on this.
>> Perhaps it has been done and you just haven't upgraded that  
>> software since then? You could try syncing your ports tree and  
>> then forcing an upgrade of abiword (even if it doesn't think one  
>> is necessary) to see if it now goes into the MacPorts directory  
>> instead of the deprecated DarwinPorts directory.
> How does one force the tree to sync from macports instead of  
> darwinports?
> sudo port -v sync
> Synchronizing from rsync://rsync.darwinports.org/dpupdate/dports
> receiving file list ... done

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