XFree86 / XDarwin and change of hostname

Daniel J. Luke dluke at geeklair.net
Fri Feb 23 08:55:32 PST 2007

On Feb 23, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Kevin Ballard wrote:
> Why wouldn't localhost always be allowed to connect?

because multiple users can be logged into a unix machine.

Any X11 client can get information from the Xserver about other  
clients (like keystrokes).

> It seems to me if you use :0.0 as your DISPLAY then it'll connect  
> on the loopback interface rather than using the network interface,  
> and I would expect that to always be allowed to connect.
> Where do my assumptions break down?

Did you read the Xsecurity man page?

Daniel J. Luke
| *---------------- dluke at geeklair.net ----------------* |
| *-------------- http://www.geeklair.net -------------* |
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |

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