Apple's X11 Update?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Feb 23 09:59:14 PST 2007

On Feb 20, 2007, at 06:41, Tabitha McNerney wrote:

> I was on a leave of absence for a few months and when I came back I  
> noticed that, in Software Update on our Mac at our office which has  
> Darwin (and now Mac) Ports installed suggested that there is a new  
> X11 update from Apple that among other things fixes fonts. I have  
> the previous X11 User and SDK packages installed on our machines  
> but have instead used XFree86 via Darwin (and now MacPorts) just fine.
> Is there any reason to install Apple's update? Is it recommended by  
> the MacPorts community?

I don't know what the rest of the community says, but I say it's a  
good idea to install all updates Apple suggests.

> Possibly related (though maybe not), while I was gone, someone in  
> our office upgraded the same Mac to 10.4.8 (but they did not  
> install the new X11 package as suggested by Software Update). I  
> have now noticed that after launching XDarwin ( e.g. "startx")  
> successfully, if I try to next run OpenOffice 2 I am now unable to  
> and I am seeing this error:
> ----------------------------
> $ ./soffice
> dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/libicuuc.dylib.26
>     Referenced from: /Volumes/ports/Applications/ 
>     Reason: image not found
> soffice: line 233: 21134 Trace/BPT trap       "$sd_prog/ 
> $sd_binary"  "$@"
> ----------------------------
> I don't recall having this error before I left for my leave of  
> absence and I'm wondering if it is at all related to a 10.4.8  
> update and possibly requires the new Apple X11 update even though  
> I'm using XFree86?

A quick search shows that libicuuc seems to be part of icu, the  
International Components for Unicode. If you had the icu port  
installed, and made use of it, and you had recently  
upgraded the icu port, then this could account for the problem, and  
the solution would be to rebuild the port. However, I  
cannot find any such port. Did you install via  
MacPorts (if so, what's the port called?) or did you install it by  
downloading a binary from If the latter, I would  
have expected it to be completely self-contained so that breakage  
such as you're seeing would not be possible. However, it couldn't  
hurt to just try to reinstall anyway (by whatever  
method you usually use) and see if that fixes it.

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