Missing CHOLMOD in octave 2.9.9

David MacMahon davidm at astro.berkeley.edu
Tue Feb 27 09:08:53 PST 2007

On Feb 26, 2007, at 23:57 , Andre Stechert wrote:
> I'll go ahead and start on adding the additional package  
> dependencies, starting with
> pcre and curl.  If glpk is workable, I'll add that too, else I'll  
> leave it out.

Actually, I'm just about finished with a set of patches for the  
octave port that fix a bunch of problems, including the pcre and glpk  
dependencies as well as making glpk usable.  I'm also pretty close to  
an octave-forge port, too!

I couldn't find where/how the octave build or runtime depend on  
curl?  Can anyone point me to where it is so I can convince myself it  
really is needed?

Thanks and stay tuned,

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