Building octave

Jörg Frauendiener joerg.frauendiener at
Thu Jan 4 06:28:34 PST 2007

> No problem; I am glad my advice helped. Now that you have Octave  
> installed, are you able to plot with it, i.e.
> t=linspace(0,2*pi),y=sin(t),plot(t,y)
> ? This does not work for me, so I am wondering if everyone has the  
> same problem. Thank you for your reply. Good luck.
> -Anthony
> Hi,
> I'm afraid that I have the same problem as well - octave crashes  
> when trying to plot. I've tested gnuplot independently with some  
> simple examples and it works fine...
> Calum.


as I wrote earlier I am having a related problem. Running octave  
within I don't get it to open a plot window. However, it  
does not crash. Running it within an xterm works.


Jörg Frauendiener         | Tel.: +49-7071-2975922
Theoretische Astrophysik  | Fax:  +49-7071-29-5889
Universität Tübingen      | joerg.frauendiener at
Auf der Morgenstelle 10   | 
D-72076 Tübingen

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