how to install gtk ?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Jan 13 21:51:37 PST 2007

On Jan 13, 2007, at 20:53, Thomas De Contes wrote:

> sorry, i just find that darwinports desapeared (why ?),

DarwinPorts is now called MacPorts. See

> i had a script to install gtk without need to be admin (all in  
> local folders) :
> install-scripts/01-gtk/gtkscript
> is there still sth which allow that, or need i to do in a different  
> way ?
> how should i modify my script ?
> (will it still work on mac os x 10.2 ?)

Your script checks stuff out from the now-gone DarwinPorts CVS  
server. MacPorts now uses Subversion for source control, so you  
should be able to change your cvs commands over to the corresponding  
svn commands.

I don't know whether any of the darwinports paths you've listed have  
been changed to macports paths already. If they haven't yet, they  
probably eventually will, so watch out for that.

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