gtk2/cups mess

Dave Hill dave at
Thu Jan 18 16:31:20 PST 2007

On 18 Jan 2007, at 19:06, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jan 18, 2007, at 09:32, Dave Hill wrote:
>> How do I install gtk2 on OSX 10.3.9?
>> If I "port install" gtk2 it fails to build because it can't find the
>> cups include files.
>> So, I install cups-headers and all it does is to install a README that
>> says:-
>>> The cups-headers port is a placeholder port that is only really
>>> meaningful on Mac OS X 10.3.x (Jaguar).
>>> If you have ports on other versions of Mac OS X that break on bad
>>> cups headers or library files, then this port should be uninstalled.
>>> This port should only install this readme file on versions of
>>> Mac OS X other than Jaguar.
> That is of course contradictory, since 10.3.x was in fact called 
> Panther, not Jaguar; Jaguar was 10.2.x. Perhaps the author of that 
> read-me file can clarify which version of Mac OS X he was talking 
> about.
>> But I am on Jaguar!
> Well, you're on Panther.

OK, fair enough, my mistake - I always get confused about the names of 
these things anyway, I find it easier to say "10.3.9" rather than 
"insert name of cat here".

>> I then notice that there is a variant "darwin_7", so I install that
>> instead, this gives me the cups headers in /opt/local/include/cups.
> The darwin_7 variant is always auto-selected on Mac OS X 10.3.x. If 
> you had to manually select the darwin_7 variant to get it, then I do 
> not think you are running Mac OS X 10.3.x.

Well it wasn't selected. I'm definitely running 10.3.9.

dhcp37:~/macports dave$ uname -a
Darwin dhcp37 7.9.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 
PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh 
dhcp37:~/macports dave$

from system profiler:

System Software Overview:

   System Version: Mac OS X 10.3.9 (7W98)
   Kernel Version: Darwin 7.9.0
   Boot Volume: Macintosh HD

dhcp37:~/macports dave$ port variants cups-headers
cups-headers has the variants:
dhcp37:~/macports dave$ sudo port install cups-headers
--->  Fetching cups-headers
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for cups-headers
--->  Extracting cups-headers
--->  Configuring cups-headers
--->  Building cups-headers with target all
--->  Staging cups-headers into destroot
--->  Installing cups-headers 1.1.15_1
--->  Activating cups-headers 1.1.15_1
--->  Cleaning cups-headers
dhcp37:~/macports dave$ port contents cups-headers
Port cups-headers contains:
dhcp37:~/macports dave$ sudo port uninstall cups-headers
--->  Deactivating cups-headers 1.1.15_1
--->  Uninstalling cups-headers 1.1.15_1
dhcp37:~/macports dave$ sudo port install cups-headers +darwin_7
--->  Fetching cups-headers
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for cups-headers
--->  Extracting cups-headers
--->  Configuring cups-headers
--->  Building cups-headers with target all
--->  Staging cups-headers into destroot
--->  Installing cups-headers 1.1.15_1+darwin_7
--->  Activating cups-headers 1.1.15_1+darwin_7
--->  Cleaning cups-headers
dhcp37:~/macports dave$ port contents cups-headers
Port cups-headers contains:
dhcp37:~/macports dave$

The port install was done from "DarwinPorts-1.3.1-10.3.dmg" and 
"selfupdated" after that.

Dave Hill, Kempston, Bedford UK - dave at hillcroft dot org dot uk
AIM/Yahoo/MSN/Gtalk/Skype/Gizmo: hillcroftdave

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