gtk2/cups mess

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Jan 18 11:06:45 PST 2007

On Jan 18, 2007, at 09:32, Dave Hill wrote:

> How do I install gtk2 on OSX 10.3.9?
> If I "port install" gtk2 it fails to build because it can't find the
> cups include files.
> So, I install cups-headers and all it does is to install a README that
> says:-
>> The cups-headers port is a placeholder port that is only really
>> meaningful on Mac OS X 10.3.x (Jaguar).
>> If you have ports on other versions of Mac OS X that break on bad
>> cups headers or library files, then this port should be uninstalled.
>> This port should only install this readme file on versions of
>> Mac OS X other than Jaguar.

That is of course contradictory, since 10.3.x was in fact called  
Panther, not Jaguar; Jaguar was 10.2.x. Perhaps the author of that  
read-me file can clarify which version of Mac OS X he was talking about.

> But I am on Jaguar!

Well, you're on Panther.

> I then notice that there is a variant "darwin_7", so I install that
> instead, this gives me the cups headers in /opt/local/include/cups.

The darwin_7 variant is always auto-selected on Mac OS X 10.3.x. If  
you had to manually select the darwin_7 variant to get it, then I do  
not think you are running Mac OS X 10.3.x.

> Then when I try to install gtk2 it stops saying:
>> The cups-headers port may prevent building this port.  Please  
>> uninstall
>> (or deactivate) cups-headers and restart the build.
> huh? Surely cups-headers will allow me to build this (or maybe it will
> fail later in the build)??
> So I google around a bit and find that installing gtk28 is probably  
> what
> I want to do (since that doesn't need the cups stuff). So I install  
> that
> and it works. Great.
> Next I try to install libbonoboui but that depends on gtk2, so it  
> tries
> to install the version that won't build because "gtk28" doesn't  
> satisfy
> the "gtk2" dependency.
> Grrrr....
> How do I do this then? Do I have to now work out the deps by hand
> because port can't do it?

The rest of this I don't know how to answer.

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