ruby port won't uninstall, or install

flowctrl flowctrl at
Wed Jan 31 09:16:04 PST 2007

Thanks Kevin;

$ sudo port -v contents ruby
Port ruby does not contain any file or is not active.

$ sudo mv /opt/local/var/db/dports/receipts/ruby /tmp/
$ sudo port installed | grep ruby
$ sudo port -v install ruby
--->  Installing ruby 1.8.5-p12_0
--->  Activating ruby 1.8.5-p12_0
--->  Cleaning ruby
--->  Removing workpath for ruby

$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.5 (2006-12-25 patchlevel 12) [i686-darwin8.8.1]


On 1/31/07, Kevin Ballard <eridius at> wrote:
> What does a `port contents ruby` get you?
> To edit the registry, you can blow away the
> /opt/local/var/db/dports/receipts/ruby directory, but that won't do anything
> about the file_map.db file. If `port contents ruby` lists nothing, then
> you're in the clear. If it actually lists files, then, well, I'm not really
> sure what to do about the file_map.db in that case.
> I once wrote a script to re-generate an old-style file_map.db (which port
> would then convert to the new-style) based on the receipts. That's certainly
> a possibility.
> Anybody else have any ideas?
> On Jan 31, 2007, at 3:20 AM, flowctrl wrote:
> Is there a way to manually edit the registry?  Macports reports that ruby
> is installed, but it isn't.  I'd like to install it.
> --
> Kevin Ballard
> eridius at
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