How to get a binary only archive?

Anders F Björklund afb at
Thu Jul 12 12:05:14 PDT 2007

andlabs wrote:

> Now I'm having problems. When I tested the mpkg, I got "Please try 
> again
> later" after the install started. After some investigation, none of the
> other ports had anything in their work directory, let alone pkg files!
> Re-making the mpkg tells me that everything is up-to-date. What's 
> going on?

The "destroot" target has a bug when the port has already been 

Basically it thinks "since the port is installed, I don't have to 
And since the destroot is usually cleared out after installing, it is 

The workaround is either forcing the destroot target, or uninstall the 
port ?
It's definitely a bug, it should destroot or unarchive even if it's 


PS. If you run into this a lot, disabling "autoclean" or using a chroot
     or dedicated machine to build the packages is probably a good idea.

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