gnucash upgrade installs but fails to work

McGarry Vince vmcgarry at
Wed Jul 18 16:06:41 PDT 2007

Here is my log file. The installation goes smoothly, but something  
doesn't work. Any insights?

Vince McGarry

===== Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:55:28 PM US/Central =====
gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at  
configure time.

In unknown file:
    ?:  0* [primitive-load-path "c-interface.scm"]
In /opt/local/share/gnucash/scm/c-interface.scm:
   21:  1* [require hash-table]
In unknown file:
    ?:  2  (cond ((not feature) (set! *catalog* #f)) ((slib:provided?  
feature)) ...)
    ?:  3  (let* ((path #)) (cond (# #) (# # #) (# # #) ...))
    ?:  4* [catalog:get hash-table]
    ?:  5* (if (not *catalog*) (let* ((slibcat #)) (cond (# # #)) ...))
    ?:  6  (let* ((slibcat #)) (cond (# # #)) (cond (slibcat #)) ...)
    ?:  7  (set! *catalog* (append (catalog:try-read # "usercat")  
    ?:  8* [append ...
    ?:  9*  [catalog:try-read ...
    ?: 10*   (user-vicinity)

<unnamed port>: In expression (user-vicinity):
<unnamed port>: Unbound variable: user-vicinity

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