Can't compile/Make 1.5.0 on a MacBook (was Re: MacPorts 1.5.0 released)

TjL luomat at
Thu Jul 19 07:05:23 PDT 2007

On Jul 19, 2007, at 9:59 AM, Kevin Walzer wrote:

>>> You're making it more complicated than it really is :)
>> I assumed that the precompiled versions would not be optimized for  
>> my MacBook, whereas if I compiled my own they would be.
>> Is this a faulty assumption?
> The DMG is a universal binary--it should run fine/natively on your  
> MacBook.

That much I knew.  I thought gcc did further optimizations based on  
the specific processor of the machine in which it was compiled on.

I may be wrong, I have only a vague understanding of things at that  

Still, in any event, why doesn't it compile "out of the box" (for  
those who want to)?


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