failed to build ports ocaml, xfig

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Jul 23 14:57:01 PDT 2007

On Jul 23, 2007, at 09:46, Dimitri Hendriks wrote:

> On 29 Jun 2007, at 01:54, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Jun 27, 2007, at 06:33, Dimitri Hendriks wrote:
> [...]
>>> I also tried to install port xfig, but again without succes:
>>> $ sudo port install xfig
>>> Password:
>>> --->  Fetching Xaw3d
>>> --->  Attempting to fetch Xaw3d-1.5E.tar.gz from ftp:// 
>>> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for Xaw3d
>>> --->  Extracting Xaw3d
>>> --->  Configuring Xaw3d
>>> --->  Building Xaw3d with target all
>>> --->  Staging Xaw3d into destroot
>>> --->  Installing Xaw3d 1.5E_0
>>> --->  Activating Xaw3d 1.5E_0
>>> Error: Target returned: Image error: /usr/ 
>>> X11R6/include/X11/Xaw3d/AllWidgets.h already exists and does not  
>>> belong to a registered port.  Unable to activate port Xaw3d.
>>> Error: The following dependencies failed to build: Xaw3d  
>>> ghostscript jpeg libpng zlib transfig netpbm jasper tiff
>>> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
>> This is a problem with Xaw3d, not xfig. I do not have /usr/X11R6/ 
>> include/X11/Xaw3d/AllWidgets.h on my system, but you apparently  
>> do. Perhaps you had MacPorts installed before, had Xaw3d installed  
>> with it before, you removed MacPorts, and then reinstalled  
>> MacPorts, and now it's finding bits that were left behind? Or  
>> perhaps you had Xaw3d installed before without MacPorts which it's  
>> now colliding with? Either way, you could probably safely force  
>> the install of Xaw3d to get it to overwrite any files it finds:
>> sudo port -nf install Xaw3d
> I tried this and xfig then installs fine, but I now get the same  
> problem as reported earlier:
> 002746.html
> and:
> 003917.html
> In the same thread it is suggested to build xfig without Xaw3d.
> Is this a good idea? If so, can someone tell me how to do that or
> add some explanantion to:
>   You should find out which configure flag for building xfig is
>   required to disable the use of Xaw3d (is xfig using configure or
>   still imake/xmkmf?) and add it to configure-args.append.

This sounds like a matter for the maintainer of the xfig port, whom  
I'm Cc'ing on this email.

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