error with python24

Thomas De Contes d.l.tDeContes at
Tue Jul 24 07:56:53 PDT 2007

Le mardi, 24 juil 2007, à 15:30 Europe/Paris, Rainer Müller a écrit :

> Thomas De Contes wrote:
>> i have the last *stable* version of macports
> A quick note: please don't say you got the "latest", say the version
> number directly to make it clear for later reference.

% port  version
Version: 1.5
(btw, port help version gives the same thing that port help, without 
explaining "version")

>> [...]
>> what's the problem ?
> We already have that in the issue tracker:

thank you :-)

> Seems like you don't have all dependencies. Did you install everything
> from the Xcode Tools (including frameworks)?

exactly like speisert at, i didn't install things that I 
thought i never need

> Would it be possible to add a check for these header files to the
> python24 port and raise an ui_error if they are not available?

seeing this bug report it seems to be planned, isn't it ?

but i would like to understand why python needs QuickTime CoreAudio and 
OpenGL, too :-)
i want to install cvs2svn, it needs python, but it won't use QuickTime 
CoreAudio or OpenGL via python, so it would be nice that it needn't 
them to be installed :-)

Mon CV :

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