question about upgrading port (getting errors)

Evan Burrows eburrows at
Mon Jun 4 15:56:52 PDT 2007

Ok I recall that now, when i reinstalled macports from scratch i had a
variety of ports to install and remembered what the original plist locations
were from when it was working, so I just threw it all into a shell script so
that it would run while I was sleeping.   Thats for clarifying how this
stuff works.

Thanks again

On 6/4/07, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> On Jun 4, 2007, at 17:09, Evan Burrows wrote:
> >> > Yeah I tried that the other day with no luck.  Then I figured it
> >> > out.  It seems as though the fact that it was retaining my previous
> >> > install information when I originally installed darwinports was
> >> > what was causing the issue.  After installing the new version of
> >> > macports and doing a selfupdate left me with the same problem. It
> >> > was late at night by the time I did that so I just wiped my
> >> > macports install and all its references and did a fresh install and
> >> > then just ran a quick shell script to install everything I wanted
> >> > over night.  The next day when I checked everything I created the
> >> > startup items for the services I wanted and rebooted and I have a
> >> > fully functional macports install again.  Still a little weird why
> >> > the uninstall never worked but it is working now so that is all
> >> > that matters.
> >>
> >> What do you mean, created the startup items? MacPorts should be
> >> creating all the necessary startup items (or, rather, LaunchDaemon
> >> plists, on Mac OS X 10.4). For which ports did you have to manually
> >> create them?
> >
> > Perhaps the startup daemons were created automatically?... When I
> > googled installing the mysql5 port it mentioned to manually execute
> > the startup launchdaemons.  As I said in an earlier email I am
> > relatively new and naive but none the less everything looks good now.
> Well, if you "port install mysql5 +server" you get a LaunchDaemon
> plist and some instructions at the end of the install which show you
> how to activate said plist.
> If you just "port install mysql5" you don't get the LaunchDaemon plist.
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