Install gimp-user-manual fails

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Jun 8 14:02:45 PDT 2007

On Jun 8, 2007, at 05:28, David Rowe wrote:

> I have just successfully installed gimp
> I am now trying to install gimp-user-manual but it fails saying:
> $ sudo port install gimp-user-manual
> --->  Fetching gimp-user-manual
> --->  Attempting to fetch patch-profile.xsl from http://distfiles- 
> --->  Attempting to fetch patch-profile.xsl from http://distfiles- 
> --->  Attempting to fetch patch-profile.xsl from http://distfiles- 
> --->  Attempting to fetch patch-profile.xsl from http://distfiles- 
> Error: Target returned: fetch failed
> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
> I tried typing the URLs into a browser and :
> The 'od.opendarwin' URLs came back immediately with: Firefox can't  
> establish a connection to the server at
> -  i.e. the server isn't there.
> The 'msn.opendarwin' URTs hung for a long time 'waiting  
> for .....'    then delivered a long list of files - but nothing  
> apparently relevant to gimp-user-manual.

Those are the default download sites when the port doesn't know where  
else to download something from. I guess we should remove those URLs  
from MacPorts, since OpenDarwin is now dead.

> Does anyone know what is wrong & how to fix it?

Looks like Yves forgot to add the patchfile when he bumped gimp-user- 
manual to 0.11 in April...

...though, if the missing file is this one from the ticket...

--- /dev/fd/63	2007-02-24 04:39:58.000000000 +0100
+++ -	2007-02-24 04:39:58.000000000 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""  

-      href=" 
profiling/profile.xsl" />
+      href="/opt/local/share/xsl/docbook-xsl/profiling/profile.xsl" />

    <!-- Generate DocBook instance with correct DOCTYPE -->
    <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8"

...then it would be better to implement that as a post-destroot  
reinplace using the real ${prefix} and not hard-coding /opt/local again.

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