boost 1.34 porting question

Sancho McCann sanchom at
Sat Jun 9 09:16:59 PDT 2007

Oh, actually, it doesn't do what I said it does. It just corrects the  
symbolic links to point to the correct place in post-destroot. Pretty  
normal it seems.


On 9-Jun-07, at 1:06 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jun 9, 2007, at 02:19, Sancho McCann wrote:
>> The previous portfile for the boost 1.33.1 port stripped off the  
>> version information from the library names  
>> (libboost_program_options-1_33_1.dylib would become  
>> libboost_program_options.dylib or something like that). Is this  
>> the preferred result of the installation/activation? If so, I'll  
>> have the 1.34.0 port do the same.
> I've never seen any port that does that before. I don't know why  
> it's done in the boost port. Check "svn log", "svn blame", look up  
> boost tickets in Trac, etc.; see if you can track it down.

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