Install gimp-user-manual fails

Boey Maun Suang boeyms at
Tue Jun 12 19:00:18 PDT 2007

Hi David,

On 12/06/2007, at 02:32, David Rowe wrote:

> I have just done a selfupdate and gimp-user-manual-0.12  is what I  
> am trying to install.
> docbook-xml-4.1.2 is installed and active
> the file /opt/local/etc/xml/catalog does exist. ls -l gives:
> -rw-r--r--   1 root  admin   911 Jun  9 16:31 catalog.
> I am trying out PortAuthority and as far as I can see all the Build  
> dependencies are present - except that I had gimp activated rather  
> than gimp2. I fixed that but it still made no difference
> I also tried Baz's suggestion of setting XML_CATALOG_FILES=/opt/ 
> local/etc/xml/catalog
> but I still get the same error reports:
> --------------------------------------------
> sudo port install gimp-user-manual
> Password:
> --->  Building gimp-user-manual with target all
> Error: Target returned: shell command " cd "/opt/ 
> local/var/db/dports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_ 
> dports_graphics_gimp-user-manual/work/gimp-help-2-0.12" && make all  
> " returned error 2
> Command output: -- Building HTML for cs
> I/O error : Attempt to load network entity http:// 
> warning: failed to load external entity "http:// 
> compilation error: file /opt/local/var/db/dports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_ 
> dports_graphics_gimp-user-manual/work/gimp-help-2-0.12/stylesheets/ 
> plainhtml.xsl line 7 element import
> xsl:import : unable to load 
> xsl/current/xhtml/chunk.xsl
> make: *** [stamps/html.cs.stamp] Error 5
> -------------------------------------------

It's possible that setting XML_CATALOG_FILES in your environment  
wasn't working because of some environment sanitation somewhere along  
the line in the installation of gimp-user-manual.

This workaround, however, should no longer be necessary as of the  
latest update to libxml2 (2.6.28, revision 1).  Try updating libxml2  
_and_ libxslt (the latter seems to take its default catalog location  
from the former), make sure that docbook-xsl is also up to date  
(1.72.0), and let us know how you go.  Good luck!

Kind regards,

Maun Suang

Boey Maun Suang (Boey is my surname)
Email: boeyms at macports dot org

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