Should the port Jigsaw not be deleted?

Yves de Champlain yves at
Sat Jun 23 05:38:02 PDT 2007

Le 07-06-22 à 15:36, Boey Maun Suang a écrit :

> Hi Jean-Phillipe,
>> when I try to install the port Jigsaw, I see this:
>> sudo port install Jigsaw
>> --->  Fetching Jigsaw
>> --->  Attempting to fetch Jigsaw.tgz from 
>> marko/GPuzzle2/
>> --->  Attempting to fetch Jigsaw.tgz from http://distfiles- 
>> --->  Attempting to fetch Jigsaw.tgz from http://distfiles- 
>> --->  Attempting to fetch Jigsaw.tgz from http://distfiles- 
>> --->  Attempting to fetch Jigsaw.tgz from http://distfiles- 
>> Error: Target returned: fetch failed
>> So I suspect this port is obsolote...
> I must say this is a bit odd; I've found a post from just 5 days  
> ago [1] in which the person who put it up says that he's just  
> created it for new work.  It seems like some contact upstream may  
> be in order; maybe he's reorganising things, or made a mistake, or  
> the server got restored from an out-of-date backup, or some other  
> such thing.  Is it over to you now, Yves?  (I don't mean to make  
> more work for you, sorry :)  )
> Kind regards,

That is true, but the tarball and the homepage have both dispeared.   
There was something marko did not like about his app and someone on  
the list pointed him to a solution, so maybe he just pulled it out to  
try it.



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