meta ports (was: a whole of palaver about MySQL)

Randall Wood rhwood at
Mon Jun 25 18:54:00 PDT 2007

On 25 Jun 2007, at 21:12, paul beard wrote:

> "gnome" doesn't install any software;
> so when I type "port install gnome" nothing happens? Not how I  
> remember it ;-)
> I think we're talking past each other or caught on some semantic  
> nuance. My position is that it should be simpler to install inter- 
> related components, as a single bundled meta-port, if that's what  
> the user wants. For the life of me, I can't imagine installing  
> MySQL without wanting the startup components installed. But be that  
> as it may, I think there are ways to accommodate everyone.
> If I request that the ports system install the meta-port  
> "amp" (apache/mysql/php), that port depends on apache with the php  
> DSO, mysql server with the client libraries, and php with its hooks  
> to connect to MySQL. I don't think anyone can argue that not being  
> able to do this has caused a lot more traffic on this list than  
> necessary.
> This is probably a topic for the dev list: perhaps jberry@ can take  
> it over there and see what anyone thinks of it.

Please create a ticket for this request and then mention it on the  
dev list with the ticket number so that work on this can be hung off  
the ticket.

> -- 
> Paul Beard /
> <paulbeard at at>
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