Working with MacPorts on MacBook Pro (Intel) and rsync problems. <-- problem solved.

Frederick C. Lee fclee at
Wed Jun 27 10:21:11 PDT 2007

Thanks all for your help and insights!

Known Problem:  Some critical files are PPC vs i386/MacBook Pro; thus  
must be removed.

1) I decided to dump the entire /opt (actually stored in different  
locale in case I SCREW UP).
2) Connect to internet via phone vs in-house (firewall) ethernet.
3) Download fresh macports appl.
4) Update MacPorts & Re-Installed files:

[/Users/Ric]sudo port
MacPorts 1.442
Entering interactive mode... ("help" for help, "quit" to quit)
[Users/Ric] > selfupdate
DarwinPorts base version 1.442 installed
Downloaded MacPorts base version 1.442
The MacPorts installation is not outdated and so was not updated
selfupdate done!
[Users/Ric] > clean libiconv
--->  Cleaning libiconv
[Users/Ric] > install libiconv
--->  Fetching libiconv
--->  Attempting to fetch libiconv-1.11.tar.gz from http://
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for libiconv
--->  Extracting libiconv
--->  Configuring libiconv
alloc: invalid block: 0x313308: 0 0 88


[/Users/Ric]sudo port install -cv libiconv
--->  Configuring libiconv
--->  Building libiconv with target all
--->  Staging libiconv into destroot
--->  Installing libiconv 1.11_4+darwin_8
--->  Activating libiconv 1.11_4+darwin_8
--->  Cleaning libiconv

[/Users/Ric]sudo port install ruby
--->  Fetching ncursesw
--->  Attempting to fetch ncurses-5.6.tar.gz from 
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for ncursesw
--->  Extracting ncursesw
--->  Applying patches to ncursesw
--->  Configuring ncursesw
--->  Building ncursesw with target all
--->  Staging ncursesw into destroot
--->  Installing ncursesw 5.6_0+darwin_8
--->  Activating ncursesw 5.6_0+darwin_8
--->  Cleaning ncursesw
--->  Fetching ncurses
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for ncurses
--->  Extracting ncurses
--->  Applying patches to ncurses
--->  Configuring ncurses
--->  Building ncurses with target all
--->  Staging ncurses into destroot
--->  Installing ncurses 5.6_0+darwin_8
--->  Activating ncurses 5.6_0+darwin_8
--->  Cleaning ncurses
--->  Fetching zlib
--->  Attempting to fetch zlib-1.2.3.tar.bz2 from
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for zlib
--->  Extracting zlib
--->  Applying patches to zlib
--->  Configuring zlib
--->  Building zlib with target all
--->  Staging zlib into destroot
--->  Installing zlib 1.2.3_1
--->  Activating zlib 1.2.3_1
--->  Cleaning zlib
--->  Fetching openssl
--->  Attempting to fetch openssl-0.9.8e.tar.gz from http://
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for openssl
--->  Extracting openssl
--->  Applying patches to openssl
--->  Configuring openssl
--->  Building openssl with target all
--->  Staging openssl into destroot
--->  Installing openssl 0.9.8e_0+darwin_8
--->  Activating openssl 0.9.8e_0+darwin_8
--->  Cleaning openssl
--->  Fetching readline
--->  Attempting to fetch readline52-001 from 
--->  Attempting to fetch readline-5.2.tar.gz from 
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for readline
--->  Extracting readline
--->  Applying patches to readline
--->  Configuring readline
--->  Building readline with target all
--->  Staging readline into destroot
--->  Installing readline 5.2.001_0
--->  Activating readline 5.2.001_0
--->  Cleaning readline
--->  Fetching ruby
--->  Attempting to fetch ruby-1.8.6.tar.gz from http://
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for ruby
--->  Extracting ruby
--->  Applying patches to ruby
--->  Configuring ruby
--->  Building ruby with target all
--->  Staging ruby into destroot
--->  Installing ruby 1.8.6_0
--->  Activating ruby 1.8.6_0
--->  Cleaning ruby

[/Users/Ric]ruby --version
ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [universal-darwin8.0]

On Jun 27, 2007, at 9:48 AM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On Jun 27, 2007, at 11:21 AM, Frederick C. Lee wrote:
>> It appears I have a couple of errors.
> nope, just one.
>> One is obvious: It appears that I have some ppc code mixed with i386.
>> This is probably due to when I transferred my files from my G3/G4  
>> (PPC) to my MacBook Pro (i386) (part of initial configuration of  
>> laptop).
>> Perhaps I should just purge all the /opt files and start from  
>> scratch.
> That sounds like a reasonable plan.
>> ... can't explain Error: Target returned: shell  
>> command " cd
> That's just the 'short' error message about what happened (macports  
> cd'd to the directory where it was building the port and ran make,  
> and make returned an error), the longer text pointed you to the  
> problem (you can't link your new i386 code with the ppc library).
> --
> Daniel J. Luke
> +========================================================+
> | *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |
> | *-------------- -------------* |
> +========================================================+
> |   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |
> |          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |
> +========================================================+

Frederick C. Lee
fclee at

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