Newbie question

Joseph Lipowski jtlipowski at
Fri Mar 16 06:46:16 PDT 2007


I am a bit of a newbie also.  Generally you can run " make check"  
after the "make install".  I don't know if ithat is still valid using  
macports.  It is likely the case, though I typically install manually  
so I may be in error.

Best regards,
Joe Lipowski
On Mar 16, 2007, at 9:34 AM, Matthieu Dubois wrote:

> Dear Macports Users,
> I am newbie to macports and even to the terminal. I needed gtk2 for  
> compatibility with RGtk2 (a R stat software package). I thus  
> installed mac ports (from binary), and  port install gtk2 without  
> any problem. However, when trying to to install the R package  
> (within R, of course), no GTK was detected (and installation  
> failed). Checking the path in my ~/.profile gives:
> export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
> Thus, my --certainly-- basic question: what's wrong ? How  can I  
> check that gtk2 was correctly installed (port installed indicates  
> gtk2 was installed) and accessible ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Matthieu Dubois
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