gFTP runtime error

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Mar 17 18:25:31 PDT 2007

Hi Daniel. Please use Reply To All to keep this discussion on the  
mailing list. More below:

On Mar 17, 2007, at 07:41, Daniel B. Koch wrote:

> Hi Ryan,
> The reason I downloaded it from there is because this link is broken:
> I did in fact use the port install command. Further searching  
> yielded an issue with gftp on BSD-type systems so I'll try some  
> other things. I must admit, I'm confused over all the various  
> sites. As a long-time Fedora Core user, I was looking for a good  
> package manager for Darwin similar to yum and found:

Note that part of the reason for the rename of the project from  
DarwinPorts to MacPorts is that we are no longer targeting standalone  
Darwin, but instead only Mac OS X. Some ports in MacPorts may still  
work on pure Darwin, but this will probably become less and less  
likely as time goes on and fewer and fewer people actually test any  
of the ports on pure Darwin.

> It lead me here:
> and here:

Right, that's the new URL. DarwinPorts used to be hosted by  
OpenDarwin. But when OpenDarwin decided to shut down, the project  
sought new hosting from the new Mac OS Forge, which is run by Apple.

> I still have not found the new site for all the ports:
> Can you tell me where they went? I thought it was here:

Unfortunately, is owned by someone not affiliated  
with the MacPorts project. That's another reason the project name was  
changed -- so we could own all the relevant domains. It would be more  
clear if the MacPorts project could acquire the rogue  
domain and redirect it to the domain. However this has  
so far been unsuccessful.

In the new site, the only source for the ports is the Subversion  

That's not necessarily a good thing or even intentional, it's just  
the way it is right now.

However I don't generally use the site to learn about ports; the  
"port" command in the Terminal is all I've needed to use MacPorts.  
For example, "port search foo" to find all ports whose name contains  

> I'm not familiar with the history of the groups involved so forgive  
> me if I've stumbled onto something contentious. I'm just looking  
> for Darwin versions of familiar Linux tools.
> Thanks,
> Dan

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