ESD loads the system on idle

Stefan Bruda bruda at
Sat Mar 24 07:22:15 PDT 2007


The following problem started to pop up recently, though I am not sure
what I did (probably upgraded the outdated packages including some
GNOME ones): ESD launches fine, plays the sounds fine, but during idle
moments it doesn't just sit there, but sits there loading the system
(to 99% or thereabouts).  Interestingly enough, the load goes down
when ESD actually play sounds, the load is high only when idle.

Is there any known cause of this, or any way of debugging the matter

Thanks in advance,

If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as
it isn't, it ain't.  That's logic.
    --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

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