New guy - imapsync port problem/query - p5-net-ssleay

markd at markd at
Wed May 2 17:59:19 PDT 2007

Erik Likvarn <erik at> on Wednesday, May 2, 2007 at 4:49 PM -0800
>I am new to Darwin Ports.  I want to get this working because I need to 
>use imapsync.  I am migrating from Exchange server to OS X Server.
>I have set up a test server and installed Darwin Ports.  That all 
>seemed to go fine.
>Then I attempted to install imapsync using
>	sudo port install imapsync
>Everything seemed to be going fine until it got to p5-net-ssleay
>It has been sitting like this all night (about 10 hours now):
>	sudo port install imapsync
>	--->  Fetching p5-net-ssleay
>	--->  Attempting to fetch from 
>	--->  Verifying checksum(s) for p5-net-ssleay
>	--->  Extracting p5-net-ssleay
>	--->  Applying patches to p5-net-ssleay
>	--->  Configuring p5-net-ssleay
>After my initial attempt, I removed perl5.8 and its dependents and 
>started again.
>10 hours seems like an awfully long time. The processor cores in my Mac 
>pro are going at 100% one after other typical of a non-MP aware 
>Is this normal, or are we stuck in some kind of a loop here?
>Any advice accepted gratefully.

It just installed for me ok.  Use -vd for debug output and see what it is
hanging on.  First clean it.

sudo port -vd clean --all p5-net-ssleay
sudo port -vd install p5-net-ssleay


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