Port version 1.440?

James Berry jberry at macports.org
Wed May 9 06:49:41 PDT 2007

On May 9, 2007, at 4:35 AM, Jeff Adams wrote:

> I'm pretty sure that a week ago or whenever it was I
> first installed MacPorts, I used the DMG and got
> version 1.4.0 which then updated to 1.4.4 on the first
> "port selfupdate".
> This time when I ran port selfupdate I got:
> DarwinPorts base version 1.440 installed
> Downloaded MacPorts base version 1.440
> The MacPorts installation is not outdated and so was
> not updated
> selfupdate done!
> Is that the same as 1.4.4?  Is it just missing the
> second "."?  Or is something corrupt somewhere?

Yes. That's the same as 1.4.4. Selfupdate tracks a single floating  
point number as the version. We've recently decided to call this  
"1.4.40", rather than "1.4.4". Our next version, presumably, will be  


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