Introduction to MacPorts Please?

James Berry jberry at
Thu May 10 16:21:17 PDT 2007

On May 10, 2007, at 11:18 AM, Diane White wrote:

> Please excuse me, but what exactly is MacPorts?  How does it work?   
> Is it
> really what I want to use?  I found Mac Ports through looking at  
> another
> program called Jailkit, and there was another website (the  
> predecessor to
> MacPorts?) called DarwinPorts.  Unfortunately, the main page of  
> MacPorts
> does not have a simplified "This is what this is, this is what it  
> does" type
> of introduction, and I find that to be enormously helpful in  
> putting myself
> in the right mindset for what I am dealing with.

Hi Diane,

We apologize that our web presence isn't better. If you, or anybody  
else, is interested in improving that, please see my result mail  
(today) to that effect.


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