Introduction to MacPorts Please?

Björn Lundin b.f.lundin at
Thu May 10 12:19:09 PDT 2007

10 maj 2007 kl. 20.18 skrev Diane White:

> Please excuse me, but what exactly is MacPorts

It is a package manager for mac os x (with friends) if that concept  
is familiar.

Basically, it automates the standard way of building software on unix.

usually, on unix you do
sudo make install

where the ./configure part may have _lots_ of options
The options may be different on different flavers of unix

1- ports the software to mac os x (ie the people behind MacPorts)
2 - provides reasonble configure alternatives
3 - makes is possibly to have several versions of a particular program
and easy to switch between
4 - downloads and compiles the software for you
5 - it also downloads and compiles OTHER software, that the one
you really want is dependant on

You need macports + develpment tools


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