PkgConfig checksum failure

Michael Cook mcook2 at
Mon May 14 22:48:14 PDT 2007

I'd been getting this error for the last two or three days - at least  
since since Friday May 11.

At first I  figured someone must be working on something and that it  
would sort itself out when a new version of the file was available.   
Also, I read somewhere that a mirror gets refreshed weekly(?), but I  
still kept getting the same as other folks have reported:

port install php5
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for pkgconfig
Error: Checksum (md5) mismatch for pkg-config-0.21.tar.gz
Error: Checksum (sha1) mismatch for pkg-config-0.21.tar.gz
Error: Checksum (rmd160) mismatch for pkg-config-0.21.tar.gz
Error: Target returned: Unable to verify file  
Error: The following dependencies failed to build: curl pkgconfig  
expat freetype gettext libiconv jpeg libmcrypt libpng libxml2 libxslt  
mhash pcre tiff
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

This happened twice more just yesterday.

Looking at Ryan's post of May 6th, I went to http://, saw pkg-config-0.21.tar.gz at http://, and was able to download it and  
un-tar it successfully.

I looked in /opt/local/var/db/dports/distfiles/pkgconfig and found  
the cause of my continuing problem to be a truncated pkg- 
config-0.21.tar.gz, only 238 bytes in length.

I copied the good file to /opt/local/var/db/dports/distfiles/ 
pkgconfig and now my install seems to be running happily.

I'm new to Darwinports/Macports, but have used Fink and Fink  
Commander quite a bit previously and never had a similar problem.  I  
haven't dug into how Darwinports/Macports works, but I will.

Meantime, shouldn't "port install" be able to trap such an error and  
recover from it by downloading the file again?

Michael Cook
mcook2 at
204-452-2720 and

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