General questions about install order and variants (Apache2, PHP5, PostgreSQL, mySQL)

Chris Pickel chpickel at
Sat May 19 20:38:49 PDT 2007

On 19 May, 2007, at 23:12, Bill Hernandez wrote:
> I got mysql5 +server installed earlier today, and you recommend  
> that I do the same for postgresql + server, but when I checked the  
> variants
> ...
> did not find a +server variant,  it looks like I probably ought to  
> take the default install:
> $ sudo port install -v postgresql82-server
> $ sudo port install -v postgresql82

Yes, that appears to be correct. I had naïvely assumed that  
'postgresql' (@7.4.12) was the port that you wanted to install, but I  
see now that there are newer versions numbered (usually, if a non- 
numbered version exists, it's the latest stable).

> You mention that I should add any bindings needed, I am now quite  
> sure if I need to do anything in order to access pgsql with php5. I  
> know on  the php5 I have to add the pgsql variant, but I don't have  
> a clue about the bindings.

You should be OK; the php5 variant includes the bindings.

Unfortunately, bindings between languages and libraries appear in  
different places; sometimes with the library, sometimes with the  
language, and sometimes in completely separate ports. This isn't  
something we have yet figured out how to shield the user from :)

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