heimdal/coreutils issue: how to resolve?

Chris Pickel chpickel at stwing.upenn.edu
Sun May 20 20:47:13 PDT 2007

On 20 May, 2007, at 23:06, paul beard wrote:
> How can we get aound this contention over /opt/local/bin/su, since  
> both heimdal and coreutils claim it as theirs?

Doesn't/shouldn't coreutils install /opt/local/bin/gsu and not /opt/ 
local/bin/su? For me, at least:

[%] port contents coreutils | grep su$

By the same token, perhaps heimdal's su should be installed as hsu.  
The same contention would happen if both ports were installed  
+with_default_names, but then at least it should be fairly obvious to  
the user how to fix.

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