apache2 MacPorts info message

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Tue Oct 30 15:12:27 PDT 2007

On Oct 30, 2007, at 16:27, Jochen Küpper wrote:

> On 30.10.2007, at 19:55, markd at macports.org wrote:
>> sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/ 
>> org.macports.apache2.plist
>> is intended to remove the "Disabled" tag, and always has for me.  And
>> unload will place it there again.  I'm not sure why it wouln't do  
>> that for
>> you though.
> Okay, sorry for me being to quick here!
> Yes, it does work as you describe for me as well. I was put off by  
> the fact that it moved the flags somewhere else (before the  
> "array") inside the file.
> However, it does still not restart apache at boot-time. Is there  
> more I have to do? I am still not moved to Mac OS X (from my Unix  
> experience) in that respect and don't really know how all this is  
> done here...

Maybe this is the restart-netchange problem. On some systems, the OS  
may try to load software like apache before the network is  
initialized, thus apache would fail to start properly. There's an  
option you can put in the plist to restart the service when the  
network changes. MacPorts trunk has been updated to provide a way for  
portfiles to request that key in the plist, but we can't add it to  
the portfile until that code from trunk makes its way into a released  
version of MacPorts. You could manually add it to the plist and see  
if that helps.

 > On Apr 9, 2007, at 10:22 AM, James Berry wrote:
 >> You might try adding the option "--restart-netchange" to the
 >> daemondo invocation in [the plist]:
 >> 		<string>--restart-netchange</string>

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