Installing Mac Ports broke intel fortran precompiler, Carbon emacs, and gnuplot

Oliver Zahn zahn at
Tue Apr 22 17:45:15 PDT 2008


I installed Mac Ports and in the process each carbon emacs, gnuplot,  
and ifort broke. To be more detailed, emacs doesn't open any longer in  
the X version, gnuplot doesn't have automatic file name extension  
anymore, and ifort doesn't compile programs with suffix .F, as the  
precompiler is broken. I have no idea how a simple install of macports  
could have caused all this trouble, but understandably I would like to  
just undo what I've done so I can use my computer again, without  
having to go through a complete reinstall of all my software. If there  
are any ideas out there I would greatly appreciate help. I already  
tried following the description in the FAW section of your page, for  
how to uninstall Mac Ports, but it didn't work.


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