port upgrade installed fails: Can't map the URL 'file://.' to a port description file

Rainer Müller raimue at macports.org
Sun Dec 7 05:36:02 PST 2008

Admin wrote:
> sh-3.2# /opt/local/bin/port upgrade installed

Usually it is better to use 'upgrade outdated'.

> Can't map the URL 'file://.' to a port description file ("Could not find 
> Portfile in /Users/<homedir>").
> Please verify that the directory and portfile syntax are correct.
> To use the current port, you must be in a port's directory.

> (you might also see this message if a pseudo-port such as
> outdated or installed expands to no ports).

^ Please read this sentence in parentheses again :-)

> Error: No port  found.

There will be a much better error message in 1.7.0.


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