panther - php5 upgrade - i'm confused

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Dec 12 17:30:42 PST 2008

On Dec 6, 2008, at 13:24, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Dec 6, 2008, at 07:59, Chris Janton wrote:
>> admin at x:admin:125 $ sudo port upgrade php5
>> --->  Installing apache2 2.2.10_0+darwin_7
>> admin at x:admin:126 $ port installed
>> The following ports are currently installed:
>>   apache @1.3.41_0 (active)
>>   apache2 @2.2.10_0+darwin_7
>>   apr @1.3.3_0 (active)
>>   apr-util @1.3.4_1+no_bdb (active)
>>   php5 @5.2.6_2+apache+darwin_7+macosx+mysql5+pear (active)
>> admin at x:admin:127 $
>> Why does the php5 upgrade "install" apache2?
> I don't know... I didn't change anything in the dependencies  
> recently. I'll test on my Panther machine later.


I see it now too, if I install php5 with something other than the  
+apache2 variant (so, either +apache or +fastcgi or +no_web) and then  
ask to upgrade the port. It's not Panther-specific. It's this base bug:

The port declares dependencies on apache2 by default (via the  
+apache2 variant), but even though you've overridden that default  
with your variant selection, MacPorts doesn't respect that during  

The workaround for now is to first manually ensure php5's  
dependencies are up to date, then ignore dependencies when upgrading  

sudo port -nf upgrade php5

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