MacPorts 1.7.0 has been released

Bart Masschelein masschel at
Sun Dec 14 03:40:13 PST 2008

> A big thanks to the developers for their hard work with all of the  
> various
> features and bug fixes in 1.7.0.

Many thanks and congratulations from a happy user indeed!!! Upgrade  
went smooth...

Well, appart from sth I don't know if it is a MacPorts issue. I did an  
upgrade of my outdated ports, and iso-codes needed to be installed as  
well apparantly. And it was waiting to fetch the source for half an  
hour at least, waiting on:

--->  Attempting to fetch iso-codes-3.5.tar.bz2 from

I Ctrl-C-ed, and re-issued an update, and then it went smooth again.

Again, keep up the good work!


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