Error upgrading xrender on Panther

Frank J. R. Hanstick trog24 at
Mon Dec 15 20:02:54 PST 2008

	I sent the following in an earlier posting; but, the log file was  
attached and it exceeds the maximum file size.  It got caught  
awaiting moderator approval.  Hit a choke point I guess.  In any  
case, here is the non-file text to keep you up to date.
	I used the "sudo port upgrade outdated" after I did a "sudo port  
sync" and everything worked as advertised.  I actually made it  
through the upgrade process.  Now, I do not think that I can repeat  
the problem because all the ports referenced are now up to date.   
Even the latest guile built and installed.  Ruined a debugging  
opportunity.  I did get a proper log file for the last "sudo port -d  
upgrade installed" and will attach it so that you can peruse at your  
convenience.  Thank you one and all for the help.

On Dec 15, 2008, at 7:14 PM, Jeremy Huddleston wrote:

> On Dec 15, 2008, at 14:30, Joshua Root wrote:
>> Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>    Attached is a debug sample of the loop.  I tried "sudo port -d
>>> upgrade installed >ports.log" and the output only went to the  
>>> Terminal
>>> window.  So, I copied a sample to a TextEdit file.  If you need  
>>> more, I
>>> can rerun because it is repeatable.
>> Do you get the same result if you upgrade outdated rather than
>> installed, though?
> As mentioned earlier, resync and this should be fixed...

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